
Spinal adjustment

Adjustments restore spinal balance and mobility helping to reduce nerve interference, joint stiffness, pain and pressure on discs. Adjustments also realign the neck, mid-back and low back thus improving once strength, flexibility and comfort. Proper joint motion is vital to healthy nerve function, circulation of blood and muscle strength. ‘Locked joints’ prevent this.

The key to chiropractic care is the spinal adjustment. This is the way our doctors of chiropractic correct subluxations.

The Goal of the Adjustment

The goal of the chiropractic adjustment is to correct the spinal subluxationsdetected during the examination. To do that, the our doctor applies pressure to the bone and «unlocks» it from its improper position. The bone will then be free to align itself correctly.

Many people think that the chiropractor forces a vertebra back into its «proper» place. But only the individual’s own Innate Intelligence knows for sure what the proper place for each bone is. The role of the chiropractor is to free up the vertebrae. Then, the body can do its job and put them back in the correct position.

Unfortunately, the muscles connected to subluxated vertebrae get used to their positions and have a tendency to pull the bone back out of place. It may take several adjustments before the adjustment «holds,» and the bone settles into its proper alignment.

Adjusting Techniques

If you ask 100 of our patients to describe their adjustments, you may get 100 different answers! That’s because there are many adjusting techniques for the chiropractor to choose from. Types of adjustments that are used by our doctor are Deversified, SOT, Activator, Vertabre Techniques, muscular Recondition and Gongstead

Our doctor have our patients lie down on stationary tables. Our chiropractor may use a certain technique on one visit and a totally different one the next depending on the sysmptom. Our doctor realizes each patient is different. In fact, each subluxation is different and may require a separate approach. Even the size, weight, and muscle structure of the doctor and patient must be taken into consideration when choosing a technique.

Our chiropractor selects the technique which will most effectively correct subluxations with a minimum of force. The «art» of adjusting requires skill and training rather than brute strength.

Will it Hurt?

Because most adjusting techniques emphasize using minimal force and

gentle pressure, few of our patients feel any discomfort during the adjustment. Many, however, will hear popping sounds. But there’s no need for concern. There’s nothing breaking. The noises one will hear are just tiny pockets of gas releasing with a pop, which is completely normal. However it is normal to feel some discomfort the following day. This is due to the doctor moving muscle and structure around.

With or without noises, the adjustment should be completely pain free. Some patients, particularly if they are tense, involuntarily stiffen and resist the adjustment. At these times, they may feel slight discomfort until they learn to relax.

Once a patient gets used to the noises — if there are any — the patient (you) may associate them with «good» adjustments. However, be aware that in time, these noises may lessen or disappear completely. When this happens, it doesn’t mean the adjustment has stopped «working.» It only means that normal flexibility is returning to the affected vertebrae.

Auto Accidents

It started with a routine trip to the store. Suddenly you hear a screeching of tires and the harsh sound of metal hitting metal. In the split second before you can brace yourself, you feel your car moving from some unseen force!

Hidden Damage

It’s tempting to minimize your own injuries because your car has sustained little or no damage. Research shows that occupants can be injured considerably more than what you’d expect from a dented fender or a broken taillight.

When to Seek Medical Care

The best time to call your doctor is immediately after the injury. If the patient cannot determine whether an emergency department visit is needed for the symptoms, then contact the doctor and ask for advice. If the doctor is unavailable at the time of the injury, then call 911 for transport to the emergency department. The risks associated with a possible neck injury are far too great to attempt to diagnose and self-treat. See a doctor and have the patient’s neck braced to keep the head from moving during transport.

Depending upon the severity of a car accident, emergency medical personnel may take the patient to an emergency department immediately. In this case, a cervical collar will be placed around the patient’s neck, and the body will be strapped to a long, firm board to prevent any movements until a doctor sees the patient.

If you visit the emergency room, you may be given a clean bill of health because you don’t have any broken bones. You might get a prescription to reduce the muscle spasms caused by structural changes in your neck or lower back.

You don’t have a drug shortage! After what you’ve been through, you’ll need a health professional that truly understands soft tissue injuries, spinal biomechanics and rehabilitation strategies. Call our office.

With less severe car accidents, emergency medical services may or may not be involved in the patient’s pre-hospital care. You should visit your chiropractor if you develop any of the following symptoms shortly after the injury:

  • Neck pain
  • Pain in either or both arms
  • Shoulder pain
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness, tingling, or loss of function in the arms or legs
We Can Help

Whether it was a little incident in the parking lot, or two cars attempting to occupy the same space in an intersection, you need people who know how to work with lawyers and insurance companies.

If you’ve been in a car accident, give us a call. We’ve been through this many times. Not only can we usually offer drug-free relief, we can help put this behind you once and for all.

Whiplash Overview

Whiplash is a nonmedical term used to describe neck pain following an injury to the soft tissues of your neck (specifically ligaments, tendons, and muscles). It is caused by an abnormal motion or force applied to your neck that causes movement beyond the neck’s normal range of motion.

Whiplash happens in motor vehicle accidents, sporting activities, accidental falls, and assault.

The term whiplash was first used in 1928, and despite its replacement by synonyms (such as acceleration flexion-extension neck injury and soft tissue cervical hyperextension injury), it continues to be used to describe this common soft tissue neck injury. Your doctor may use the more specific terms of cervical sprain, cervical strain, or hyperextension injury.

Whiplash Causes

The most frequent cause of whiplash is a car accident. The speed of the cars involved in the accident or the amount of physical damage to the car may not relate to the intensity of neck injury; speeds as low as 15 miles per hour can produce enough energy to cause whiplash in occupants, whether or not they wear seat belts.

Whiplash Symptoms

These signs and symptoms may occur immediately or minutes to hours after the initial injury; the sooner after the injury that symptoms develop, the greater the chance of serious damage.

  • Neck pain
  • Neck swelling
  • Tenderness along the back of your neck
  • Muscle spasms (in the side or back of your neck)
  • Difficulty moving your neck around
  • Pain shooting from your neck into either shoulder or arm

Common Questions

Why do I have pain in my arms and hands?

A: Because the nerves to the arms and hands exit the spine through the injured area of the neck, numbness and tingling are common. Even lower back pain can result directly from the trauma, or as a reaction to the loss of proper spinal curves.

Q: Why did my headaches start more than a week after my accident?

A: Whether you’ve been in an accident, stressed at work, or over-exerted yourself in the garden, your body is constantly adapting to the environment. When your capacity to adapt is exhausted, symptoms can appear. This can take days, weeks, months or years to occur.

Q: Will I ever be normal again?

A: Many chiropractic patients report restored spinal curves and an end to their symptoms. Those who delay seeking appropriate care often discover that scar tissue and spinal instability requires periodic chiropractic checkups.

Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic can be defined as conservative care of the body. It is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness without the use of prescription drugs or invasive surgery. We use the most modern clinical techniques such as manipulation of the spine and other joints, modalities including ultrasound, electrical stimulation and flexion/distraction.

Chiropractic focuses on maintaining optimal health naturally, so that the body is better able to resist disease and injury, rather than simply treating the symptoms of disease. When bones of the spine become misaligned, they can distort flow from the brain to the body. Without proper information from the nervous system, the body can not function at its full potential. Chiropractors gently correct these misalignments (or vertebral subluxations) to correct nerve interference and improve the body’s ability to control and coordinate its many functions.

Our objective is to provide you with counseling and patient education for the prevention and treatment of injury or disease. We welcome any questions you have regarding your care and we will strive to respond fully to your needs.


Ice and Heat

The doctor may apply ice to your neck or back after an injury to help reduce swelling. Cooling an inflamed area is the goal and ice should be used «on and off» for at least 3 days following an acute trauma or injury. Moist heat relaxes muscles when swelling is not present. It also aids in proper nutrient transmission through better circulation. Whenever in doubt, USE ICE

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

This is a therapy machine that sends small electrical impulses into the muscles and the surrounding soft tissue. It feels like a «fuzzy tingling» sensation and is commonly used in combination with hot packs or ice. It relieves pain, relaxes spasmed muscles and improves circulation. More nutrients are thus drawn to the area and healing can occur faster.

This therapy sends high frequency sound waves into damaged tissues and reduces pain and swelling in joints and muscles. Ultrasound helps prevent scarring of tissues and improves circulation. It has been found to assist in breaking up adhesions and helping in the resorption of calcified areas.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression can be applied to the neck or the low back. It is a slow stretch that helps remove pressure from pinched nerves. It is the treatment of choice for sciatic pain and disc problems. Our tables are completely computerized and patient controlled. They are brand new and the only one of their kind in Jackson


We take x-rays because we do not want to guess on yor health.



Ionic Foot Bath

Rehabilition Therapy

Sports Injury

Nutrition Counseling

Personal Injury

Sprain and Strains

Weight Management

Massage Therapy

Work Injury

Contact Information

Feel free to contact us for any business or personal inquiries.


5610 Nolensville Pk, Nashville, TN 37211, United States



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